2019 CRIPtic Pit Party

Jamie Hale, a white person in a black electric wheelchair, wearing all black, with silver boots, and beach-blonde hair, in front of the brutalist Barbican Centre

2019 CRIPtic Pit Party


In 2019 Jamie Hale created the CRIPtic Pit Party. This comprised a hope-filled solo and mixed bill of work by disabled artists.

To start, Hale performed NOT DYING in which they recount their full-circle story of progressive disability, from the agony and gracelessness of threatening death to the jubilance and defiance of survival. To follow, deaf and disabled artists expanded on the selected themes of anger, fortitude and joy in short sets of music, dance and spoken word.

Developed through the Barbican OpenLab programme, NOT DYING came into being as Hale began experimental medical treatment. Determined to confront and dismantle barriers so often encountered by disabled people, their solo intertwined video and narrative to thought-provoking effect. The vibrant second-half showcase curated by Hale completes CRIPtic.

Creative Team

Image: Jamie Hale, a white person with red hair and beard looks directly towards the camera with a confident smile. They sit in their electric wheelchair in front of vivid red/orange photographers banner, wearing black jeans, a ribbed black turtleneck and a silver floral blazer. A shock of bright pink and orange eyeshadow brings out their green eyes.

Jamie Hale

Curator & Performer
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Kate O’Donnell 

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The Visual Experience
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Jackie Hagan

This Is Not A Safe Space
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Amelia Cavallo

Tito Bone 
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Katie Walters and Ella Chante

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DL Williams

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Jessi Parrott


Supported by

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