
Sam Brewer & Aarian Mehrabani (Sam, a white man with closely shaved blonde hair wears a pink and yellow floral blazer and grasps a very resolute Aarian. Aarian is a Middle Eastern man with slim build, clean shaven with short jet black quiffed hair. He is wearing a yellow jumper and denim dungarees).


For creatives who are ready to break into the mainstream. 


What is Breakthrough?

Breakthrough is a 1 year commission for disabled UK creatives or companies who are ready to break into the mainstream. 

We are looking to commission 2 creatives/companies to produce a sample of professional quality work to be distributed by CRIPtic. This can be anything from a 5-minute scene from a play, a song, a lighting portfolio, or a short video – we want to nurture your creativity and support you in creating something that showcases the absolute best you can achieve. 

Over 1 year, chosen creatives/companies will be paid £6,000 to fund their time and costs to develop a commission, and attend support and development sessions. They will receive a further budget for 6 sessions with industry mentors of their choice. At the end of Breakthrough, they will have a calling card to showcase their potential.

Applications for Breakthrough 2024 are now closed. We will be assessing applications in the coming weeks. We hope to reopen our programmes for 2025.

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