Associate Director: Lata Nobes

I want theatre to become more gritty, challenging and subversive - a change that will happen alongside access becoming embedded in the artistic practices of major theatres.
This is the back of an artist announcement card for Lata Nobes. The design is styled on an American baseball card. The card has a thin white border. At the top of the card, there is a thick black band with the artist name, Lata Nobes, and a description of their role in CRIPtic, as Associate Director. Below this, there is a black and white portrait photograph of Lata. She is a British/Indian woman with dark shoulder length wavy hair, dark eyes, and she is wearing a white top. She looks sideways into the distance. Below the photo, there is a large black and white logo which reads CRIPtic.

What made you want to be an artist / performer?

I was first interested in performance through music. I think I was listening to Beethoven before I could tie my shoelaces. I found music to be something that transcended the day to day, and lifted me out of anxiety and stress – something which I have struggled with since before I could tie my shoelaces.

It took me a long time to learn to tie shoelaces because I have ADHD.

I became interested in theatre as a teenager through acting, and whilst studying at university discovered that I had a skill for directing. I love that it introduces me to new people, characters, and worlds. My theatre often has music and sound design at it’s core.

What/who inspires your craft?

People, in general. I’m struck by people’s resilience in the most difficult situations, and bravery in response to injustice. These are the stories I want to tell through theatre.

What’s your vision for the future of theatre and where do you see yourself going after CRIPtic?

I want theatre to become more gritty, challenging and subversive – a change that will happen alongside access becoming embedded in the artistic practices of major theatres.

I want all prestigious theatres to advertise their assistant director roles. I want them to showcase unknown contemporary writing because it is great and not because the writer is already famous. I want theatres to be filled with young people of all backgrounds.

Right now I’m living in the moment as an artist. After CRIPtic I intend to keep creating.