News and updates
What’s on at CRIPtic
Arts Council England Funding for d/Deaf & disabled artists
In the most recent CRIPtic workshop, the focus was on Arts Council funding – how to get it, what to do with it. I’ve applied for ACE funding before – both times… Continue reading…
Integrated and Creative Access: Learning from Touretteshero
CRIPtic meets Jess Thom: ‘Creativity can be a catalyst for change’ For deaf and disabled creatives working in the arts, it’s easier to produce art which is accessible to ourselves, with access… Continue reading…
Integrated Audio-Description with Quiplash
I’m a disabled writer working across performance, fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Last month, I was invited to attend half the workshops on the CRIPtic programme as a notetaker and blogger, and jumped… Continue reading…