What’s on at CRIPtic

Alice Christina-Corrigan, a blonde woman with blue eyes wearing glasses, above text reading 'Connect Through Creativity: Reflections'

Connect Through Creativity: Creating spaces for, with and by the community

By Alice Christina-Corrigan My name is Alice Christina-Corrigan and I am the Community Programme Officer at CRIPtic Arts, producing a year long programme of online creative workshops in partnership with Scope, for… Continue reading…

A graphic of two hands holding a £ sign

Pay Transparency

Pay transparency for freelance work The arts sector is notoriously opaque about pay for freelancers, and pay for freelance work varies wildly. One of the findings from the focus group we held… Continue reading…

A black square saying "lessons learned: focus group" with a symbol of a chair in the middle

Focus Groups: Lessons Learned from our Audience

Earlier this summer, at CRIPtic, we held two focus groups. One was for disabled cultural workers from the global majority. The other was for people facing specific access barriers. This includes people… Continue reading…